viernes, 16 de julio de 2010


Dance and fútbol—it runs in the blood de los Ecuatorianos. So Alex Barnard and I learned during our awesome weekend pasando por Quito, during which, in addition to doing all the typical touristy things, we rode 25-cent buses all around town, ate pan de yuca y yogurt on a street corner, danced salsa at a discoteca with two native Ecuatorianos, and watched the world cup over un almuerzo de llapingacho, mote, plantains, and jugo de mora. Photos will be more expressive than words:

From his roof you can see the entire city—I am sorry I do not have a picture of this view from the night with which to illustrate the universally awe-inspiring image of a city whose merrily twinkling lights approximate the stars in the night sky.

Centro Histórico

Plaza central. I am really kind of obsessed with plazas. I should probably move to Europe.

Buckingham Palace, Ecuador style

The Equator is as exciting as he makes it look

View from El Teleférico: Elías says that what is truly important in a picture is not the subject, but el fondo--definitely the case here.

Amigos across the world :o)


Quito from above

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